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PT BANK MANDIRI (PERSERO) TBK – PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk – Bank Mandiri was established on 2 October 1998, as part of the bank restructuring program of the Government of Indonesia. In July 1999, four state-owned banks – Bank Bumi Daya, Bank Dagang Negara, Bank Exim and Bapindo – were amalgamated into Bank Mandiri. The history of these four banks can be traced back to over 140 years, and together they had contributed to the beginning of the Indonesian banking sector.

We are continuously seeking mutually beneficial business opportunities that create synergies, building alliances and strengthening our supporting businesses with and through our subsidiaries, notably Mandiri Sekuritas in investment banking, AXA Mandiri Financial Services in insurance, Bank Syariah Mandiri in Sharia banking, Bank Sinar Harapan Bali in micro banking, and Mandiri Tunas Finance in multi-finance. In 2011, Bank Mandiri acquired Mandiri AXA General Insurance (MAGI), a joint-venture between Bank Mandiri and AXA Societe Anonyme, to strengthen Bank Mandiri’s penetration into the general insurance business.

With various subsidiaries that support our businesses, we have further strengthened our position as a prominent financial holdings institution in Indonesia.

Posisi : Secretary of Head of Engineering

Job Description :

  • Membantu Head of Engineering dalam melakukan pelaporan yang dibutuhkan regulator terkait jabatan Head of Engineering dan Tenaga Kerja Asing.
    Mendukung kegiatan kerja Head of Engineering terutama dalam mengatur seluruh proses administrasi yang dibutuhkan Head of Engineering.
    Membangun relasi dan komunikasi kepada pihak-pihak terkait, termasuk diantaranya membantu Head of Engineering dalam melakukan koordinasi dengan pihak-pihak terkait untuk pengaturan jadwal kegiatan kerja sehari-hari, termasuk perjalanan dinas baik dalam/luar negeri dan mengadministrasikan seluruh proses terkait perjalanan atau kebutuhan lainnya dalam rangka kedinasan.
    Menjadi partner diskusi Head of Engineering dalam membangun relasi dan komunikasi dengan stakeholder dengan memberikan pendapat dan saran berkaitan dengan seluruh kegiatan kerja Head of Engineering.

Requirements :

  • Lulusan (S1) Lokal atau Internasional dengan IPK minimal 3,00 (pada skala IPK 4,00) atau setara.
    Usia maksimum untuk seleksi 24 – 28 Tahun
    Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun sebagai sekretaris atau asisten pribadi untuk ekspatriat.
    Mahir berbahasa Inggris, baik tertulis maupun lisan.
    Menunjukkan disposisi profesional dengan keterampilan komunikasi yang baik.
    Tidak memiliki keluarga inti yang masih bekerja di Bank Mandiri (ayah, ibu, kakak, adik kandung maupun tiri).
    Tidak memiliki catatan kriminal dari Kepolisian atau catatan pelanggaran dari perusahaan sebelumnya.
    Belum menikah dan bersedia untuk tetap tidak menikah selama tahun pertama kontrak.
    Diprioritaskan berdomisili tetap di wilayah Jabodetabek.

Required Skills:

  • Keterampilan jaringan yang baik dalam pendekatan formal dan non-formal dengan berbagai tingkat korespondensi.
    Memiliki antusiame untuk membangun relasi dengan orang lain dan bersedia menjadi bagian dari aktivitas terkait di dalam dan di luar organisasi untuk mencapai tujuan.
    Memiliki pola pikir kritis dan keterampilan analitis yang baik dalam menanyakan dan memperoleh informasi yang relevan dan komprehensif.
    Unggul dalam mengomunikasikan ide dengan jelas dan efektif untuk mendapatkan pemahaman dan komitmen dari orang lain.

Posisi : Legal Officer

Job Description :

  • Conduct a review/legal opinion on the juridical aspects of a credit or non-credit transaction/document.
    Negotiating to the covenants from a juridical/legal perspective in the Term Sheet and Credit Documents or Transaction Documents to the Borrower.
    Conduct negotiations/legal meetings with the Borrower regarding legal aspects together with the Business Unit.
    Review and provide input on draft agreements or other legal documents.
    Drafting or reviewing power of attorney, statement letter, facility agreements, security documents and other related legal documents.

Requirements :

  • A minimum of three years’ professional experience in relevant field, preferably in law firm (banking & finance).
    Graduated from a reputable university, majoring in Law.
    Having a knowledge and relevant experience.
    Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
    Proficiency in English is a must.
    Familiar with APLMA will be an advantage.

Posisi : RM Structured Finance

Job Description :

Creating impact through ESG investing. We are looking for the fittest candidate that:

  • Able to provide strategic value to clients within ESG financing-related projects, including carbon finance, sustainability-linked, energy transition, and green finance
    Able to identify liabilities across the ESG area in multiple sectors
    Able to recognize, originate and lead ESG financing deals, including due diligence engagements with clients

Requirements :

  • At least four years of professional experience in relevant field, preferably in sustainability consulting firm, debt capital market, investment banking, research institute, energy, agriculture, or forestry company. Experience in sustainable/green finance will be an asset
    Graduated from a reputable university, preferably majoring in Environmental Engineering/ Accounting/ Economics/ Electrical Engineering/ Sustainability/ Climate Science/ Biology/ Forestry/ Energy science, preferably having a Master’s Degree
    An excellent understanding of global and national ESG agendas and policies, including but not limited to climate change mitigation and adaptation
    Having a knowledge and relevant experience related but not limited to: emission calculation, decarbonization, net-zero emission, and greenhouse gas emission (GHG)
    Experience in the financial sector in embedding ESG considerations within risk assessments and in investment processes will be an asset
    Any relevant certification in ESG will be an asset
    Sharp analytical thinking with business acumen
    Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
    Proficiency in English is a must

Posisi : Officer Investor Communication & Business Analysis

Job Description :

  • Develop and implement communication programs for buy-side and sell-side analysts to ensure a correct understanding of Bank Mandiri’s strategy and key performance metrics
    Ensure target fulfillment and market position on a quarterly basis, including preparing reports for the Management Team
    Monitor sell-side analyst research reports and capital market views on Bank Mandiri as well as its peer banks
    Provide constructive feedback, strong analysis of the banking industry (i.e. Bank Mandiri and its peers from the capital market), to the Management Team
    Maintain communication with analysts and investors through meetings, emails, personal contacts, and delivery of written and online materials
    Expand the investor/shareholder base of Bank Mandiri

Requirements :

  • Minimum Bachelor Degree from any fields, preferably in Finance with a minimum GPA of 3.0 (4.0 scale) from reputable universities
    Minimum 2 years of working experience with roles related to product, business development, and social marketing manager in the top e-commerce company
    Operate tools such as PowerPoint, Excel, and/ or Canva
    Team player with strong analytical and communication skills
    Fluent in speaking English
    Willing to travel domestically and internationally
    Maximum age 35 years old

Good to have qualifications:

  • CFA Certification
    Good understanding of the banking industry
    Familiarity with Bloomberg and Nasdaq

Posisi : Officer Development Program Business Enabler 2023

Job Description :

  • Bank Mandiri is one of the biggest, leading financial institutions in Indonesia, providing services to customers with a wide array of banking, investing, asset management, and other sustainable financial products and solutions. We believe that digital technology would continue to change Indonesia’s banking landscape in the future, along with the rapid migration of people’s activities to digital channels. Having started the digital transformation journey long before the pandemic, Bank Mandiri reaffirms our commitment to accelerating digital transformation and innovation towards becoming the best modern, digital bank in Indonesia to provide a better life for customers through our integrated digital financial services.

Requirements :

  • Minimum Qualifications
    Local or International Bachelor’s graduates (S1) or Master’s/post-graduate (S2) in the relevant field of studies from a reputable University, such as Economics, Engineering, Statistics, Data Science, Law, International Relations, Psychology, Communication, Property Management, etc.
    Grade Point Average:
    Bachelor’s degree (S1): minimum 3,00 on a 4,00 GPA scale, or equivalent
    Master’s degree (S2): minimum 3,20 on a 4,00 GPA scale, or equivalent
    Maximum age at selection:
    Bachelor’s degree (S1): 25 years old
    Master’s degree (S2): 27 years old
    Demonstrate professional dispositions with good networking and communication skills
    Fluent in English, both written and verbal communication
    No member of the nuclear family currently works in Bank Mandiri (i.e., parents, siblings)
    Single, never been married, and willing to remain unmarried during the first year of the program’s journey
    Willing to be relocated all over Indonesia

Required Skills :

  • Good networking skills in formal and non-formal approaches with various levels of correspondence
    Entrepreneurial, eager to connect with others, and willing to be part of related activities inside and outside of the organization to achieve goals
    Good critical thinking and analytical skills in inquiring and acquiring relevant, comprehensive information
    Excellent in communicating ideas, clearly and effectively to gain understanding and commitment from others

Posisi : Copywriter

Job Description :

  • Work closely with Content and Marketing team to produce new ideas for creative campaigns, promotional campaigns and any other marketing communications.
    Creating content for a variety of platforms including in-app, websites, and social media.
    Proofreading and editing content before publishing.
    Ensuring that SEO and SMO strategies are effectively implemented.
    Managing in-app content calendar.
    Implement brand standards and guidelines including create SOPs to ensure all outputs are brand-appropriate, consistent and high quality.
    Continue to improve and optimize all creative deliverables based on past learnings, as well as to create best practices as the golden standard of creative executions.
    Ensure all projects are on track in terms of deliverables – quantity and quality.
    Work cooperatively with other product owners to ensure clear brief and deliver quality.
    Evaluate trends, assess new data and keep up-to-date with the latest marketing.

Requirements :

  • Bachelor’s degree in literature, journalism, marketing, communications, or similar.
    Minimum 5+ years of experience writing clever and engaging copy.
    Familiar with Banking products.
    Having impeccable English and Bahasa Indonesia writing skills, proficiency in grammar and spelling, and a keen eye for detail.
    Having solid time management skills, with the ability to handle and prioritize multiple projects.
    Having good analytical skills in content management system workaround.
    Positive attitude, detail, and customer-oriented with good multitasking and organizational ability.
    Comfortable working in a face-paced and dynamic environment.
    In-depth knowledge of current website and social media trends.

Posisi : Officer Development Program Risk Management 2023

Job Description :

  • Bank Mandiri is one of the biggest, leading financial institutions in Indonesia, providing services to customers with a wide array of banking, investing, asset management, and other sustainable financial products and solutions. We believe that digital technology would continue to change Indonesia’s banking landscape in the future, along with the rapid migration of people’s activities to digital channels. Having started the digital transformation journey long before the pandemic, Bank Mandiri reaffirms our commitment to accelerating digital transformation and innovation towards becoming the best modern, digital bank in Indonesia to provide a better life for customers through our integrated digital financial services.

Requirements :

  • Minimum Qualifications
    Local or International Bachelor’s graduates (S1) or Master’s/post-graduate (S2) in the relevant field of studies from a reputable University, such as Economics, Engineering, Statistics, Mathematics, Physics, Data Science, Law, etc
    Grade Point Average:
    Bachelor’s degree (S1): minimum 3,00 on a 4,00 GPA scale, or equivalent
    Master’s degree (S2): minimum 3,20 on a 4,00 GPA scale, or equivalent
    Maximum age at selection:
    Bachelor’s degree (S1): 25 years old
    Master’s degree (S2): 27 years old
    Demonstrate professional dispositions with good networking and communication skills
    Fluent in English, both written and verbal communication
    No member of the nuclear family currently works in Bank Mandiri (i.e., parents, siblings)
    Single, never been married, and willing to remain unmarried during the first year of the program’s journey
    Willing to be relocated all over Indonesia

Required Skills :

  • Good networking skills in formal and non-formal approaches with various levels of correspondence
    Entrepreneurial, eager to connect with others, and willing to be part of related activities inside and outside of the organization to achieve goals
    Good critical thinking and analytical skills in inquiring and acquiring relevant, comprehensive information
    Excellent in communicating ideas, clearly and effectively to gain understanding and commitment from others

Posisi : UI UX Designer

Job Description :

  • Bertanggung jawab atas desain User Experience (UX) dan User Interface (UI) untuk mewujudkan user interface yang fungsional, dalam pengembangan sistem/aplikasi sesuai dengan kebutuhan user yang memenuhi proses bisnis secara end-to-end, dengan memperhatikan dan menjalankan tahapan project management yang telah ditentukan, dan sesuai dengan SPO/PTO TI yang berlaku. Detail lebih lanjut sebagai berikut:
  • Menganalisa kebutuhan desain user experience dari sistem/aplikasi yang dikembangkan
    Mengembangkan dan mengerjakan konsep strategi desain UI/UX yang komprehensif
    Menghasilkan solusi desain UX berkualitas tinggi melalui wireframe, desain visual dan grafis, flow diagrams, storyboards, site maps dan prototype
    Mendesain dan menguji elemen UI dan tools yang akan digunakan dalam interface sistem/aplikasi yang dikembangkan
    Berkolaborasi dengan tim/pihak-pihak terkait untuk memastikan pembuatan dan penyediaan pengalaman yang disesuaikan (tailored experience) bagi pengguna sistem/aplikasi
    Mengimplementasikan metodologi riset UX dan kegiatan testing untuk menganalisa dan memprediksi perilaku pengguna sistem/aplikasi
    Mendukung pengujian konsep dan/atau prototyping untuk mendemonstrasikan nilai potensial solusi IT untuk pengembangan bisnis
    Membuat materi untuk komunikasi dan sosialisasi desain teknis aplikasi kepada pemangku kepentingan bilamana diperlukan
    Bertanggungjawab atas manajemen risiko operasional untuk setiap proses yang dilakukan yaitu melakukan identifikasi, penilaian, pemantauan, pengendalian & mitigasi risiko operasional termasuk pelaporan di mana terjadinya risk event sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku di bank serta menjadi role model dalam konteks penerapan kontrol operasional
    Menguasai Requirement Analysis, System Analysis & Design, Documentation Production, UI/UX wireframing & prototyping, Interaction Design, dan Design tools

Requirements :

  • Pernah terlibat dalam mengkoordinasikan dan mengkomunikasikan technical/functional requirement sebuah proyek sedang sampai besar yang hasilnya mempunyai dampak yang signifikan terhadap organisasi secara keseluruhan
    Memiliki pengetahuan dan pengalaman yang memadai dalam hal UI/UX design
    Memiliki pengetahuan dan pengalaman yang memadai dibidang IT khususnya industri keuangan/perbankan
    Pernah terlibat dalam mendukung Project Manager dalam mengoordinasikan project IT dengan beragam environment, khususnya di industri keuangan/perbankan

Posisi : Banking Staff – Head Office Jakarta

Job Description :

  • As a leading bank in Indonesia with aspirations to be the preferred financial partner, we invite highly talented and driven individuals across a wide area of expertise to fill in key positions in the bank. Challenge your abilities and further develop your skills at Bank Mandiri, be a part of the journey to seamlessly integrate our financial products & services into our customers’ lives by delivering simple, fast digital banking solutions and prosper the nation.

Key Job Responsibilities will include:

  • Day-to-day office management
    Maintain administrative tasks such as filing and processing documents
    Perform ad-hoc administrative support functions / office management tasks
    Perform data management to support business unit operations

Requirements :

  • Minimum Bachelor’s degree (S1), with minimum GPA 2,75 (out of 4,00) from relevant fields of study
    Maximum age at selection:
    24,00 years old for fresh graduate candidates
    26,00 years old for candidates with relevant experience of at least 2 years
    Presentable with good communication skills, both verbal and written
    For fresh graduate candidates, preferably single and never been married
    No integrity issue
    No members of the nuclear family currently works in Bank Mandiri (i.e. parents or siblings)

Posisi : Kriya Mandiri Back Office – Call Center DI Yogyakarta

Job Description :

  • Kriya Mandiri is a program where we invite high school graduates and Bachelor’s degrees to intern at Bank Mandiri Head Office (i.e. call center division). As an intern, you will be given the opportunity to accumulate experience and skills necessary for the workplace especially skills for banking operations. After successfully completing the Kriya Mandiri program, you will be eligible for Mandiri Education Aid to assist you in completing your graduate studies.
    This internship opportunity is especially for candidates residing in DI Yogyakarta.

Requirements :

  • Diploma (D3/D4) & Bachelor’s degree (S1) graduates minimum 2,75 on a 4,00 GPA Scale, or equivalent
    The maximum age at selection is 24 years old
    Willing to remain unmarried during the internship period
    Presentable and demonstrating good communication skills
    Physically healthy and not color blind as evidenced by a health certificate from the hospital/local public health center
    Never involved in drug abuse or other violations of the law


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